Tag Archives: during

Seyaj: 124 Cases of Kidnapping of Yemeni Children were Reported During 2013

Out of more than 150 abduction cases, Seyaj tracked 124 incidents involving children in 2013. The organization highlighted the prevalence of this occurrence in its report on child abduction from that ...

  • 11 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 10:22 am
Tragic Death of the Child Fawzia Al-Amoudi During Childbirth

Sana’a, Yemen (CNN) – UNICEF expressed its condolences over the death of the twelve-year-old Yemeni girl during childbirth, a year after her marriage to a twenty-four-year-old man. The organiz...

  • 15 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 8:55 pm

BBC: A 12-Year-Old Pregnant Girl and Her Fetus Die in Yemen During Childbirth

A 12-year-old girl died in Yemen, along with her fetus, due to a difficult delivery. Seyaj said that the child, Fawzia Abdullah Youssef, who was forced to marry at an early age, died on Friday in the ...

  • 16 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 9:16 pm