Seyaj Trains Women’s Committees to Curb Child Marriage Rate

Members of the “Women’s Committees for the Protection of Young Girls from Early Marriage” in the Seyaj organization stressed the importance of educating, rehabilitating, and involvin...

  • 10 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 9:47 pm

Hundreds of Children Mobilized in Riots

Sana’a – June 12, 2014 Seyaj calls on the government to investigate the participation of hundreds of children in the riots that took place in Sana’a today. It warns of the danger of ...

  • 11 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 8:12 pm

UNHCR and ADRA Presents The “Tragic Weddings” to IDPs

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and (ADRA) are presenting a film titled “Tragic Wedding “, produced by the Seyaj Organization, with the support of the Meddle East...

  • 11 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 10:53 pm

Seyaj congratulated the talented child, Shehab Al-Shaarani, on winning the title “Your Voice is a Treasure” in an Arab competition. Seyaj also expressed its gratitude to Shehab’s par...

  • 11 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 10:24 am

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