Both sides in war blamed for Yemen’s dead children

SANA’A // One hundred and eighty-seven children were killed and nearly 700 used as child soldiers in the most recent round of fighting between government troops and al Houthi rebels that erupted...

  • 15 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 9:04 am

سياج تشارك في تشكيل أول لجنة عربية لمتابعة تنفيذ توصيات أمين الأمم المتحدة حول حقوق الطفل

تشكلت بحضور المجلس العربي للطفولة والتنمية : المجتمع المدني في اليمن يشكل أول لجنة في المنطقة العربية لمتابعة...

  • 15 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 7:53 am

Protesters in Yemen target child bride law

SANA’A // Hundreds of Yemeni women gathered in front of Sana’a’s parliament building yesterday to protest against the government establishing a minimum legal age for marriage .Most o...

  • 15 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 9:02 pm

2009 Human Rights Report: Yemen

Domestic human rights NGOs operated throughout the year. Although progovernment NGOs received support from the government or ruling party, others received support from opposition parties or were fully...

  • 15 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 7:55 pm

Children hit hardest by northern conflict

Hundreds of children have either been killed or used as child soldiers in fighting between Yemeni government forces and Houthi-led Shia rebels in the north of the country since August 2009, according ...

  • 15 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 7:21 pm

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