Tag Archives: rpe

Seyaj Demands Severe Punishment for the Rape and Murder of a Child in Ibb Governorate

Seyaj Organization expresses its deep concern about the growing rates of child kidnapping and rape in Yemen due to the weakness of victim advocacy and criminal punishment systems. Seyaj thanks the Sec...

  • 6 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 5:36 pm
Rape and murder of child Ala’a Al – Hemyri

SEYAJ demands the most severe penalties for those who kidnapped, raped and killed the girl Ala’a Al-Hemyri For publication:  SEYAJ expresses its deep concern about the growing crime of kidnappi...

  • 6 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 4:59 pm